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HomeSymposium Sponsorship Levels

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Sponsor one of our Strategic Symposiums. Sponsorship benefits are listed below.

Symposiums are discussion forums typically including multiple Speaker Panel Discussions and One-on-One Speaker Keynote Discussions.

Our symposiums include audience discussions and exercises. Houston Strategy Forum symposium format is very unique, involving an incredible level of engagement between speakers and attendees.


Symposiums last half-a-day to a full day. Symposiums that are scheduled in the latter half of the day, start with lunch and end with a wine reception for members, sponsors and a private reception for speakers.

The Symposium sponsorship fees and benefits do vary based on the scope and scale of the symposium. Please contact us at for specific information.

  Symposium Sponsorship Levels & Benefits


  • Opportunity to deliver symposium welcoming remarks (5 to 10 minutes duration) by the president/CEO/senior executive of the sponsoring company;

  • Opportunity to be the Exclusive Symposium Sponsor from Your Industry Sector.

  • Collaborate with HSF on Symposium Theme, Topics, and Propose Speakers.

  • Deliver Symposium Opening Remarks (5 minutes duration).

  • Company president/CEO invited as a PANEL Speaker at the symposium.

  • Highlighted during Welcoming Remarks by the President.

  • TWO FULL PAGE or Center banner page advertisement in symposium program handout.

  • Opportunity to host an Exhibition Table.

  • Opportunity to display logo on the symposium tote bag.

  • Two seats at the HEAD Table with the speakers (Value: $6,000).

  • Three guests invited to attend the Private Reception with the speakers and special guests.

  • Two or Three (based on the event) reserved tables of 10 with premium placement, close to the head table(s) (Value: $21,000).

  • Highlighted as a MISSION Sponsor on HSF symposium page with url links.

  • Verbally highlighted as a MISSION Sponsor during the symposium.

  • Company logo highlighted in the symposium program handouts on the Sponsor page, website symposium page and email notices.

  • Social Media recognition via LinkedIn posts and comments.

  • Opportunity to have a picture taken by HSF with you and your guests at your table(s).

  • Opportunity to have a picture taken by HSF with speakers and your Private Reception Guests.

  • All the Sponsor Table Guests invited to join the Members & Sponsors Wine Reception after the symposium.

  • Spotlight in front of C-level executives, upper and middle management audience.

  • Sponsorship Fees: $52,500 for the specific symposium.


  • Highlighted during Welcoming Remarks by the President.

  • One Full Page page advertisement in Symposium Program Handout.

  • Opportunity for a 60 second MESSAGE during lunch.

  • Opportunity to host an Exhibition Table.

  • Opportunity to display logo on the symposium tote bag.

  • One seat at the HEAD Table with the speakers (Value: $3,000).

  • Two guests invited to attend the Private Reception with the speakers and special guests.

  • One or Two (based on the event) reserved tables of 10 with premium placement, close to the head table(s) (Value: $14,000).

  • Highlighted as a DIRECTION Sponsor on HSF event page with links.

  • Verbally recognized as a DIRECTION Sponsor during the symposium.

  • Company logo highlighted on conference website page, email notices, and Symposium Program Handout.

  • Social Media recognition via LinkedIn posts and comments.

  • Opportunity to have a picture taken by HSF with you and your guests at your table(s).

  • Opportunity to have a picture taken by HSF with the speaker and your Private Reception guests.

  • Spotlight in front of C-level executives, upper and middle management audience.

  • Opportunity to introduce a keynote speaker.

  • All the Sponsor Table Guests invited to join the Members & Sponsors Wine Reception after the symposium.

  • Sponsorship Fees: $25,900 for a Specific Symposium


  • Highlighted as a STRATEGIC Sponsor on HSF event page with links.

  • Full page advertisement in symposium program handout.

  • One guest invited to attend the private reception with speakers and special guests.

  • One reserved table of 10 with premium placement (Value: $7,000).

  • Verbally recognized as a STRATEGIC Sponsor during the symposium.

  • Company logo highlighted on the symposium website page, email notices and in the symposium program handout.

  • Social Media recognition via LinkedIn posts and comments.

  • Opportunity to have a picture taken by HSF with you and your guests at your table.

  • Spotlight in front of C-level executives, upper and middle management audience.

  • All the Sponsor Table Guests invited to join the Members & Sponsors Wine Reception after the symposium.

  • Sponsorship Fees: $14,900


  • Half-page advertisement in the symposium program handout.

  • Two to Three Complimentary Priority Seats (based on the event) (Value: $2,100).

  • Highlighted as a PERFORMANCE Sponsor on HSF event page with links.

  • Verbally recognized as a PERFORMANCE Sponsor during the symposium.

  • Company logo highlighted on the symposium website page, email notices and in the symposium program handout.

  • Social Media recognition via LinkedIn posts and comments.

  • Spotlight in front of C-level executives, upper and middle management audience.

  • All the Sponsor Guests invited to join the Members & Sponsors Wine Reception after the symposium.

  • Sponsorship Fees: $6,999

Head Seat Sponsor

  • Single seat at the head table (constrained by availability).

  • May be used only as an add-on to a Strategic Sponsorship or higher level.

  • Invitation to the private reception with the panel speakers and special guests.

  • Sponsorship Fees: $2,999

Sponsorship Comparison Chart

Houston Strategy Forum reserves the right to refuse membership and sponsorships to any group or individual. Houston Strategy Forum expects professional conduct from all its members and sponsors. 3% credit card fees apply.